Jakarta,- The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM)
announced the winners of the auction of nine Metal Mineral and Coal Mining
Business License Areas (WIUP) in Indonesia.
The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, appointed the winners of the re-auction which is the auction in Wave I of 2023 and the auction of metal mineral and coal WIUP in Wave II of 2023.
"This appointment is the result of the re-auction of metal and coal mineral WIUP Wave I of 2023 and the auction of metal and coal mineral WIUP Wave II of 2023, which was carried out based on Announcement Number 10.PM/MB.03/DJB.P/2023 dated November 13, 2023," said Head of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources' Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation Agus Cahyono Adi in an official statement, Tuesday (13/2/2024).
The following are the names of the blocks and the winners:
1. Brang Rea Block (Gold), West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. The winning company is PT Tambang Sukses Sakti with a Compensation Data and Information (KDI) value of IDR 15 billion.
2. Semidang Lagan Block (Coal), Bengkulu Tengah, Bengkulu. The auction winning company PT Kharisma Raflesia Utama with a Compensation Data and Information (KDI) value of IDR 8,183,502,500.
3. Nibung Block (Coal), North Musi Rawas and Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra. The winning company is PT Mustika Energi Lestari with a Compensation Data and Information (KDI) value of IDR 95,288,888,888.
4. Marimoi I Block (Nickel), East Halmahera, North Maluku. The winning company is PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) with a Compensation Data and Information (KDI) value of IDR 14,835,820,000.
5. Gunung Botak (Gold) Block, Buru, Maluku. The winning company is PT Merdeka Tambang Jaya with a Compensation Data and Information (KDI) value of IDR 300 billion.
6. Kaf Block (Nickel), Central Halmahera, North Maluku. The auction winning company PT Mineral Jaya Molagina with a Compensation Data and Information (KDI) value of IDR 700 billion.
7. West Merapi Block (Coal), Lahat and Muara Enim, South Sumatra. The winning company is PT Merapi Energy Coal with a Compensation Data and Information (KDI) value of IDR 53 billion.
8. Foli Block (Nickel), East Halmahera, North Maluku. The winning company is PT Wasile Jaya Lestari with a value of Compensation Data and Information (KDI) of IDR 9,888,888,000.
9. Lilief Sawai Block (Nickel), Central Halmahera, North Maluku. The auction winning company PT Aneka Tambang Tbk with a value of Data and Information Compensation (KDI) of IDR 110 billion.
Meanwhile, the WIUP Auction was attended by a total of 130 participants who submitted auction requirement documents for 19 WIUP blocks that were auctioned.
"As a result, nine blocks have been appointed auction winners. The auction of ten WIUP blocks was declared a failure due to several problems, such as no or only one participant who passed the prequalification stage and/or other problems," Agus explained.
In Wave I of the re-auction, there were eight WIUPs that were re-auctioned, namely Lolayan Block, Marimoi I Block, Gunung Botak Block, Semidang Lagan Block, Brang Rea Block, Taludaa Block, Nibung Block, and Kaf Block.
This Wave I re-auction is a re-auction of the WIUP auction that was previously held in October 2023 based on Announcement Number 1.PM/MB.03/MEM.B/2023.
In Wave II, there are Mulya Agung Block, Ulu Rawas Block, Bayung Lencir Block, Lingga Bayu Block, West Merapi Block, Tumbang Nusa Block, Pasiang Block, Pumlanga Block, Foli Block, Lililef Sawai Block, and Natai Baru Block.
Meanwhile, block auctions with an area under 500 hectares such as the West Merapi Block WIUP in South Sumatra are prioritized for local regional companies with the criteria of micro and small businesses.
Meanwhile, block auctions with an area above 500 hectares can be participated in by state-owned enterprises (BUMN), regional-owned enterprises (BUMD), national private enterprises with medium and large business criteria, private enterprises in the context of foreign investment, or cooperatives.
Sources : cnbcindonesia.com- Feb 13.24