Jakarta,- Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) received a coal mine from the government. The Special Mining Business License Area (WIUPK) is obtained from areas with coal concessions with large reserves.
“We will give coal concessions with large reserves to PBNU to be managed in optimizing the organization,” said Investment Minister or Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia in the Pre-Congress VIII Opening of BEM PTNU Se-Nusantara at As Syafi'iyah Islamic University, Bekasi, Friday (31/5/2024).
“Do you agree that we give NU a mining concession? Do you agree? If someone disagrees, what will you do to him?” Bahlil said to the event participants.
Meanwhile, in a press conference on Friday (7/6/2024), Bahlil said that the mine given was the result of the collapse of the Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (PKP2B) owned by PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC).
"Regarding large areas, one of those who want to explain the gift to PBNU is the former KPC. Just write don't be shy,” said Bahlil.
However, Bahlil did not mention the amount of mining production from the area. He only said the priority offer was scheduled to be completed next week.
He added that the granting of WIUPK to religious organizations is in accordance with Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal (Minerba). Article 6 paragraph (1) reads “The government has the right to give IUPK priority to business entities. On that basis, we make changes to PP 25/2024. This PP accommodates the granting of IUP to mass organizations that have business entities so that they have rights".
The granting follows the issuance of Government Regulation (PP) Number 25 of 2024 which is an amendment to Government Regulation (PP) Number 96 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities. The regulation was signed by President Joko Widodo on May 30, 2024.
Article 83A paragraph (1) reads about offering WIUPK to religious community organizations. The WIUPK in question is the former Mining Entrepreneur Work Agreement (PKP2B).
Meanwhile, in paragraph (3), IUPK and / or share ownership of religious community organizations in the Business Entity as referred to in paragraph (1) cannot be transferred and / or transferred without the approval of the Minister.
Paragraph 4 states that the share ownership of religious community organizations in Business Entities must be majority and become controlling.
KPC itself is a subsidiary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) owned by the Bakrie Group. Currently KPC holds the status of a Special Mining Business License (IUPK) from the previous Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (PKP2B). The change in status has occurred since the government officially extended the KPC contract in 2021.
When the status was still a PKP2B, KPC was recorded to have an area of 84,938 hectares (ha) with coal production reaching around 61 million - 62 million tons.
Meanwhile, according to Minerba One Data Indonesia (MODI) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), KPC currently has a mining area of 61,543 ha which is valid until December 31, 2031. If seen from that, it means that there is a reduction of 23,395 hectares of mining area.
Sources : cnbcindonesia.com Jun 08.24