Cargo ships carrying goods and production materials for the PT Bumi Mineral Sulawesi (BMS) factory began to dock at the Special Terminal (Jetty) owned by PT BMS in Toddopuli Village, Bua District, Sunday, December 3, 2023. This cargo ship carrying nearly 13 thousand tons of material belonging to PT BMS carries high-class coal or what we usually call coke and supporting materials for the BMS 2 factory from China which will be used at PT BMS. Site Manager of PT BMS, Zulkarnain, revealed that the Tersus (Jetty) owned by PT BMS had started functioning for the first time, December 3 yesterday.
"Now we functioned for the first time last Sunday and Alhamdulillah we have no problems, access to loading and unloading from Tersus to Warehouse using company access and we also do not interfere with the smooth running of the national road (Jl. Trans Sulawesi Poros Palopo - Makassar) and also our Tersus Operating License has been released since last month from the Ministry of Transportation" said Zulkarnain.
"Yesterday there were loading and unloading activities there, today is the second day of loading and unloading activities at our dock, and this month there will also be cargo in the form of Nickel Ore from Southeast Sulawesi, all of these activities are Alhamdulillah supported by all stakeholders in Luwu, thank you to TNI-POLRI colleagues who helped smooth the activities, as well as representatives from related agencies related to loading and unloading activities, such as Customs, Immigration and of course Syahbandar as the Port transportation authority" he added.
Sources: supply chain Indonesia-Dec 09,2023