Jakarta,- PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (IDX: INCO) will accelerate the progress of its growth projects on schedule, within budget, and following the approved scope.
INCO President Director Febriany Eddy elaborated that the Bahodopi and Sambalagi projects, known as the Morowali project, have obtained a new AMDAL for the mining area in Bahodopi and the Sambalagi industrial area.
“The rate of land acquisition for the mining area has increased rapidly, allowing us to make significant progress in mining development, and now continuing the port construction for ore transportation,” he explained in an official statement, on Monday (12/2/2024).
The initial work on the construction of the plant in Sambalagi has progressed well and is continuing the EPC contract process for the plant construction and its supporting infrastructure.
For the Pomalaa project, he said, the company continues to make progress on the initial mine construction work, while completing the EPC tender process for mine development in Pomalaa.
“Following the signing of a three-party agreement between PT Vale, Huayou, and Ford witnessed by President Joko Widodo earlier this year, we are pleased to inform you that Ford has officially joined as a shareholder of PT Kolaka Nickel Indonesia (PT KNI),” he explained.
He added that the joint venture was established to build and operate the HPAL plant in Pomalaa.
The third investment in INCO’s growth agenda, he explained, is the Sorowako Project with Huayou for the construction of HPAL in East Luwu.
“Currently, Huayou is completing all the required licenses. The company is committed to increasing the participation of local workers around our operations and business activities, including in our growth projects,” he concluded.
Sources : djakarta-miningclub.com- Feb 13.24