JAKARTA, - SKK Migas and Mubadala Energy, an international energy company from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates have just announced a gas discovery about 100 kilometers off the coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Mubadala Energy is the operator of the South Andaman Gross Split PSC and this is the first deep well operated by the company, which was drilled to a depth of 4,208 meters at a water depth of 1,207 meters.
The well encountered an extensive gas column with a thickness of more than 230 meters in the Oligocene sandstone reservoir. The well successfully flowed excellent gas quality with a capacity of 30 mmscf/d.
The gas in the sea near Aceh is the second largest in the world. The third largest was discovered in East Kalimantan last October.
This large gas resources discovery is in line with the Government of Indonesia's target to achieve oil production of 1 Million Barrels per Day (BOEPD) and natural gas of 12 Billion Standard Cubic Feet per Day (BSCFD) by 2030.
Head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto, expressed his appreciation for the large gas discovery in South Andaman operated by Mubadala Energy.
Dwi expressed his gratitude for the hard work and strong dedication shown by Mubadala Energy in drilling in the deep sea.
Based on a report from Mubadala Energy (South Andaman) RSC LTD stating that the Layaran-1 well discovery has the potential to reach 6 tcf of gas-in-place, this discovery could exceed the discovery of the Geng North-1 well, Kutai basin and enter the top 3 in the world.
Dwi said that the big discovery in South Andaman is a beautiful gift before the close of 2023. The upstream oil and gas industry will record a new history, the first time Indonesia has made 2 (two) giant discoveries in the same year in 2023.
Consecutive large gas discoveries in 2023 indicate the success of exploration activities which are the main theme of the upstream oil and gas industry in 2023 and will continue in 2024.
Sources : Fajar.co.id- Jan 01.24